
Want a ductless heat pump for the kitchen

For years I have wanted a ductless heat pump in my kitchen and now I am going to get it.

In the north it isn’t really necessary to get a/c.

My house only has a gas fireplace located in the living room and an electric heater by the bedrooms. Other than that, there is nothing else. The kitchen is quite far away from the gas fireplace and electric heating system. In the winter the tile feels icy cold under my feet. I get where I run around the kitchen and make excuses on why I need to use the oven. Since I am redoing the kitchen, I can get a new HVAC system installed in there. I am ripping out cabinets, counters and reconfiguring the space. A part of that space is going to house the indoor air handler with the heat pump. A ductless mini split will be able to heat and cool a single space without affecting the rest of the house. In the winter I can have quality heating while I cook and it won’t bother anyone. It will be great for me and not all that expensive. The heat pump also has a cooling function. So in the summer I no longer have to be afraid to turn on the oven. I can use the stove, burners and generate heat without an issue due to having AC. I even figured that I could hook another indoor air handler up to my same heat pump and put it in the room above the kitchen which is my bedroom.


a/c serviceman

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