
Vacation Home Needed An Emergency A/C Fix

So when the stay at home order went into effect, my first thought was to go to my family vacation home, as I know it was empty and nobody was planning on using it during this time.

But now that I get here I realize that it needs a fair few repairs! Some of the repairs I can do myself, but some of the repairs do need special tools or expertise, so I am going to have to try and see if I can get parts delivered here, or workmen to come out.

As it stands HVAC professionals are seen as essential services, which is lucky for me, because one of the issues with the house is that it is in great need or air-conditioner repair right now as we speak. It is getting hotter every single day, and I can assure you that the air conditioner for all intents and purposes does not work right now. I have looked up an HVAC technician that will come out to look at and repair the air conditioner unit, and I am told that they are on their way in the next few days. I think I am not the only one who tried to come to the area to a vacation home and stay here for the shelter in place period. I would not be surprised if there is a lot of air conditioner repair going on all over this little town right now. Luckily there is an HVAC serviceman on his way here though, even though that is probably the case.

a/c repair

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