
I never thought it would happen to me

I love to get in my car and go on road trips.

If I have a long weekend, I will fill up the gas tank and start driving.

I don’t mind travelling alone, but I like it better when my best friend goes with me. We have so much more fun when we are together. Every once in a while, she will tell me to take the next left or right regardless of whether we know where it would take us. We normally end up at some quaint hotel where we spend the night, and then we find our way home the next day. Several times we found carnivals, parks, or zoos to visit, and that was always a plus. We seldom had a snag, except for when the air conditioning in our car died. It was hot and humid and we were stuck in the middle of nowhere without air conditioning. We drove until we got to the town where they had a service station that could work on air conditioning units. We then found a hotel in case it took them overnight to get my car into the service station. We thought that the car’s air conditioning would be the worst of what happened, but a storm went through the area. It blew out the power and we had no air conditioning in the hotel. They had emergency lights, but no air conditioning. Most people left the hotel, but we had to stay. We were definitely happy we had a pool at the hotel. We slept on the lounge chairs and had a bit of cool air.


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