
The graduation ceremony was uncomfortable but the HVAC worker came to the rescue

It was exciting to go to our daughter’s graduation, but the air quality was really bad in the assembly hall.

The chairs were comfortable enough, but it didn’t matter because it felt extremely overheated and the air felt terribly stuffy. My wife and I could only fold up our programs and try to use them as making shift cooling devices. We were basically just using them to fan ourselves for some cooling relief, which wasn’t much. About ten minutes into the assembly, there was an HVAC professional seen going to the back and we figured he was going to fix the cooling system. That guy must have been the best HVAC professional of all time because he was able to get the cooling system working again after about 15 minutes. Considering we weren’t even halfway through the graduation ceremony yet, this was a beautiful thing that the A/C was working again. That cooling air came flowing on us and the comfort became greater in no time. It was good to see our daughter up there accepting her awards, but she seemed to be sweating a little bit. Honestly, all the kids seemed to be going through it with discomfort but everybody seemed to be relieved when the A/C system was working again. When the HVAC worker was making his way back to his truck, some kid pointed him out and shouted, “Thank You HVAC dude!” Everybody applauded the guy as he was leaving and a bunch of other kids were also screaming thanks! It was a total riot!

Air quality systems

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