
Starting a personal training program during COVID

I was too sad to argue with her, so I put myself in his hands and started a personal training and nutrition program

Thanks to COVID I was trapped inside for multiple months, with no access to the junk food and energy drinks that I had been subsisting on. I did not start seeing what I ate by choice, I simply was reduced to eating the actual food that was in the house. I had a panty full of cans and other non-perishables, which proved to be ample food for almost more than one full months of lockdown! I had to quit smoking cigarettes for the same reason, and compared to that I didn’t miss junk food at all! I started exercising at apartment for a couple of hours a afternoon just to try and fight my way through quitting the tobacco. My brother was a certified personal trainer, with a honestly successful supplier across the state, and he volunteered to help myself and others through this unusual period of my life. She absolutely said that it was easier for myself and others because I didn’t have a choice, I was forced to quit junk food and cigarettes, but that by choosing to engage in a workout program with her, I would make my life better. She knew from his years of personal training that his program would make myself and others stronger, help myself and others get better rest, and the result would be more energy and greater focus. I was too sad to argue with her, so I put myself in his hands and started a personal training and nutrition program. Two months later I was still craving cigarettes, although I was also twenty more than one pounds lighter, and feeling great about my health and wellness.


Nutritional Counseling

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