
Our yoga room was disturebed by HVAC

I own a yoga workout area in my town, and my HVAC unit is a big deal for my business.

When I first started the business, I had an HVAC mechanic install my air conditioner and furnace for me, but the first time I ran the air conditioner, it was incredibly loud.

I was worried that it would distract or disturb my customers during the yoga sessions. I tried to get the air conditioner to quiet down by lubricating the moving parts and checking on the cooling coils, but it didn’t seem to help. My first yoga session was the next day and I didn’t want my air conditioner to be causing all this noise on the store’s opening day. I had to call the HVAC serviceman and asked him if he could come in that day and fix the air conditioner. Sadly he could not come that day and I was stuck with this noisy air conditioner. I decided to go to my local HVAC store and purchase a small, quiet air conditioner just so my opening session left a good impression. When I got back to the yoga area, I inserted the air conditioner into the window and turned it on. I was happy to hear the low quiet buzz and the rush of cool air that came out of it. Thanks to this window air conditioner, my first yoga session was a major success and no one had a hard time focusing. While an HVAC unit could have ruined the opening, another HVAC unit saved the day, this shows that no matter how bad your HVAC unit is, you can always count on a different hVAC unit.



Cooling expert

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