
I’m hoping to learn something about HVAC in electric cars

I totally want to see what the HVAC machines are like nowadays that they put in the newest electric cars.

I quite honestly remember my old Pontiac 6000 from the 90’s plus all of the concerns it had with its a/c machine.

I was essentially always sinking money into the HVAC machine of that car, having to purchase compressors plus get freon leaks fixed all the time. I bet the new machines in these nice electric cars have closed loop systems which need zero service plus they don’t pollute the environment at all. I have yet to look under the hood of a fully electric automobile to see what it looks like plus how it sounds, or doesn’t sound. I genuinely wonder how much service an electric engine must have anyways. I would also like to entirely learn how the heating machine works because the engine doesn’t actually become overheated enough to heat the air like a common combustion engine does. Maybe they have a heat strip in it like a normal HVAC machine in a new residence has, or possibly a heat pump, however I guess they need to be totally careful about sapping too much power from the electric batteries. It is going to become especially interesting in a few years with all of the advancements that the automotive industry has made with non combustible engines. At least the HVAC machines have improved a pretty good amount since the old times with my old Pontiac 6000. I bet some of these automotive a/c service companies will run out of tasks soon if the HVAC machines in the cars actually become any more reliable.

New air conditioning information

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