I have to use a duster to clean off the blades.
I am always hot or cold. I’m never in between. During the summer I don’t like to go outside a lot. I have a major sweating problem. This isn’t good because I like to go play basketball outside during the summer in a adult league. I have to put on certain creams under my armpits and take medication so I’m not sweating a lot. It gets pretty bad and I get embarrassed very easily by it. Even during the winter it’s just as bad too, or even worse. I always have to sleep with fans. I even sweat during my sleep. I believe it’s because I’m under blankets all night and the heater is on full blast. I have started turning down my heater to the lowest setting. There are nights where it’s mild outside and have been opening my windows. Every night I turn my ceiling fan on to generate circulation. I even have a portable fan that I plug into my outlet. This portable fan is aimed directly at me. I like when I have air directly blowing at me. I can hardly feel the sweat and it makes me sleep better at night. My ceiling fan can get pretty dirty at times though. I have to use a duster to clean off the blades. This dust also determines the air quality and cleanliness of my home. If I see a lot of dust that accumulates in a short period of time then I believe it is time to change my air filter. The fans have been a savior to me while I’m facing this sweating problem.