You could say that my mom is a complete clean freak.
- I remember when I was younger and living with them that my mom would get mad at my sister and I if we left any dish in the sink once she got home.
She wanted all of the dishes and the kitchen to be spotless once she got home. I would always get annoyed and in spite I would leave a fork or a glass in there. However my sister would always make sure the dish that I put in the sink on purpose was clean. She didn’t want to upset my mother. My mother’s ways ended up rubbing off on me as I got older. Once I got a house on my home I was just as much of a clean freak as she was. I would tell my children that I wanted the dishes in the sink to be clean once I got home too. Not to mention I would clean all of my floors every Saturday, it was a weekly ritual for me. I would also go around dusting surfaces that I felt were full of dust. I hated a dusty home and once the surfaces were clean I felt like our air quality was much better. I would also dust the air vents that I could reach. The air vents were normally full of dust since they were on the floor. They would collect a lot of dirt and other particles. This was not good for our air quality since when the air would blow out it would catch the dust and it would blow into the air.