It’s weird to think that our world has different seasons.
- The fact that we can have a few months of it being super hot and super cold blows my mind at times.
There is so much that is with our world that we don’t know about. There are so many species and information that we have not discovered yet. Maybe some things are better left unsaid. However what I just discovered is that I can zone my house based on my heating and cooling options. I didn’t know that I could do that until I went over my dad’s house. When I went over it was on a very cold day. I saw that he had the pellet stove running. I always loved when it was on. I mentioned it to him and he said that he zoned out the house for these next few cold weeks. I asked him what he meant. He told me that he turned off the vent system for the kitchen, living room and dining room (since the pellet stove heated this section of the house). Then he opened the vent system in the bedroom and bathroom part of the house. By opening the vent system in the other part of the house, this allowed it to be heated. Before winter got very cold. The living room and dining area of the house would mainly be heated by the thermostat in the living room and not the thermostat near the bedrooms. I wanted to learn more about this temperature zoning for my home. Therefore I called my HVAC system to see what he could do.