
I am going to the technical school for the heating and cooling classes

I am going to the technical school here in town to get my heating and cooling certification.

I have been looking forward to starting at the school for a long time now, and I’m excited that it’s almost time.

I have waited to get into the HVAC program for months now and so I am really glad that it’s almost my turn! The HVAC program is actually the most popular program that they have here at the technical school, and so it was harder to get into than I originally thought that it was going to be. They apparently have a very long waiting list to get into the program. I guess I never really thought that there would be quite so many people out there who wanted to become heating and cooling professionals. I found out the other day that the classes that I am taking are totally full. That’s because they told us that if anyone wanted to drop out of a class, they wanted to know about it as soon as possible so that they could add someone in from the waiting list that had formed. I was really surprised by that because I had no idea that the HVAC program was so popular. I guess people just really want to go into some kind of a trade these days. Electrical work and plumbing were not things that I was at all interested in and so I’m glad that I got in on this round of HVAC classes. I can’t wait for classes to start in a few weeks!



Indoor comfort business


This week I noticed a weird smell from the air vents

This week at work, I noticed a weird smell coming from the air vents in the building.

  • At first I thought that I was imagining it because no one else seemed to notice the smell.

I have a super sensitive sense of smell, though, so that was not really all that unusual. My husband says that I am like a bloodhound because I am always sniffing things out. Well, on Monday whenever I came into the office, I immediately knew that there was something off with the indoor air quality in the building. I was not really sure what it was, but I could tell that there was something going on inside of the ductwork. Every single time that the heating system turned on in the building, I could smell the odor more. That’s how I figured out that it was coming out of the ductwork in the first place. I told the building maintenance director that there was something going on with the HVAC system and he said that he would check into it for me. At first I thought that he was probably just humoring me by saying that, but a couple of hours later, I saw him with two of the maintenance guys in the building with a ladder. They were looking around inside some of the ductwork in the building. Sure enough, they ended up finding mold and mildew in the ductwork! I knew that I had smelled something! They ended up calling the local commercial HVAC company to come and clean the ductwork in the building.

hot water boiler


I am happy with my hot water heater

I just got back to the apartment from the gym, which is an outside gym called the Beach. My neighbor was out there and told me he wants to film my skyball serve, which is a serve that is served vertically into the air to a height of about several stories high. It then comes down into the volleyball court at a high speed. They have an Instagram page for volleyball and they want to put my serve video on the site, which is kind of cool because it is one of my favorite things I enjoy in the games. The local business has many people who watch our games and I get some superb action during the games while the temps are heating up on the beach. This Summer is going to be packed and I will have so much fun playing music on the beaches in the night after the games are done. Today, I’m going to go out there to play in about 60 minutes once I get my Heating and A/C system writing work done for the local supplier in town, who uses my stories to get a better web presence and more customers. I will be at the beach this week by 3.30pm and will stay out there till the sunlight goes down around 9.30pm. I’ll go to my condo which has my air conditioning unit and take a nice overheated shower now that my friend and I finally got our overheated water heating working. I didn’t have a warm shower for about four weeks and now I am back to normal.


a/c repairman


He was checking the indoor air quality

I suppose the HEPA filter expert was right when she said that life has a lot of loss and my friend and I need to accept them all, as she was checking the indoor air quality one day while my friend and I were working

Is your life satisfactory, or do you feel like something is missing and you could be happier? I seem to feel the latter more often, as I’m one of those dreamer types of people who is always looking for something better. My wish is I could just be glad with what I have and who I am, but it seems I have been programmed to always keep climbing the mountain in search of better views. Maybe this is an innate thing in people and we are never satisfied with life. The HEPA filter sales lady told me that this is part of life, as we were working on a cooling system set up in someone’s lake house. I think right now the only thing missing in my life would be the love of a beautiful lady like I used to have but lost. I saw her walk by the other day while chilling at a local cafe, and I messaged her but she never replied. This tells me that the Heating and A/C rep beauty is with someone else or isn’t interested in me anymore. My worst nightmare was to lose her and when it happened I spent many sleepless afternoons with tears rolling down my cheeks. I suppose the HEPA filter expert was right when she said that life has a lot of loss and my friend and I need to accept them all, as she was checking the indoor air quality one day while my friend and I were working. I’m still reeling over the loss of Clarice, but one day I’ll accept it.

oil heater


I go out to the field to clean HVAC ducts

I do so much heating unit repairs and sometimes they send me out in the field to scrub HVAC ducts for customers in their homes

I made a new pal (friend zone) recently and I have been hanging out quite a bit. She is 26 years aged but much more mature than I am at 57 years old. I feel like my mind is stuck at 26 years old too, but somehow she’s still a lot more mature than I am. I am not a goofy joking bozo, but my mind is quite younger than my years for some reason. I try to keep life light and always heating up, and maybe staying at 26 years old in my mind is superb for my body and spirit too. Some of my Heating and A/C tech friends who are my age, and have wives and kids, seem to act a lot older than I am. I think it is because they have so much more responsibilities and have to be grown up most of their days because of work and kids. I’m not sure, but working at the Heating and A/C business is still fun, but I have to work with a bunch of grown up heating professionals. I have a lot of fun at work and I all try to keep it light and fun as much as I can, while still getting all of our work done during the day. I do so much heating unit repairs and sometimes they send me out in the field to scrub HVAC ducts for customers in their homes. I will keep working for this business for several more years and after that I will go into semi retirement and work less.


air duct


I am going to get myself a thermostat for my birthday

I am going to get myself a new thermostat for my birthday.

I decided that this was what I was going to do about a month ago when I first noticed that the thermostat in my house was on the blink.

It’s been acting weird for a while, but that’s when I finally was able to admit that it was unsalvageable. I thought at first that I just needed to change the batteries in the thermostat but doing that the last time didn’t help at all. It was at that point that I knew that I was going to need to purchase a new thermostat or my heating and cooling system just wasn’t going to work correctly. Well, I started to do some research on different kinds of thermostats and I decided that I wanted to purchase a smart thermostat for my house. I read all kinds of things about how great smart thermostats are and how they can actually save you money on your heating and cooling bills in the long run. As a matter of fact, a smart thermostat can end up paying for itself in savings in just a couple of years. That’s why I decided that I wanted to purchase one for myself for my birthday. Even though they are a little more expensive on the outset when you first install them and get them all set up, they end up paying for themselves. I think that’s a great thing and I also love the fact that I’m going to be able to set my thermostat from anywhere at all as long as I’m connected to the app that comes along with it!

heating and cooling equipment


I have 15 more HVAC articles to write

I’ll pound out some more articles and then head out for some fresh air.

I have a system down with my work and it seems to be working.

I write for about two hours or so in the morning when I wake up and after that I go for a 45 minute bike ride and swim to wake up even more. When I return to the condo I then have just one more hour of work and the rest of my day is free for me to do as I please. I still have some things to do like scrub the HEPA filter in my Heating and A/C system and do my yoga routine, but that’s simple stuff and I don’t mind doing it. I spend some time with my lady playing with the cats in the living room and after that I head out for a ride around the neighborhood to look at people and local businesses. I have a straight-forward life and the only thing missing from it is more time with my family and friends back in the States. I will relocate back in a year or two and work for this local supplier back home for several years doing HVAC duct cleaning and repairs, while I play music at night in clubs and bars and spend time with my family and friends. I’m playing in a band now overseas and can’t leave because we have an amazing chemistry and are making some headway in the music industry over here. My new supplier neighbor here is going to have us do a gig soon for his Heating & A/C business.


hvac tech


I’ll come home to the air conditioning in my condo

I’m down to just about an hour of work left online, but I’m going to cut out of here in about 25 more minutes to take a bike ride.

I like to get most of my work done before the ride though because when I get to the beach my friends will be there and asking me to come join them.

I’ll go for a short ride and rest on a bench to eat my lunch while I watch them play in the sand. Then I’ll go for a short swim and come to the air conditioning in my condo while I finish my work online. If I can hold out for 25 more minutes and keep working after that I will only have about 35 minutes of work left to do after my swim and I can get back down to the beach soon after. It’s getting warmer out there and I will need a big hat and sunscreen if I go out early and leave the shelter of my weather conditions controlled flat. Today is supposed to be about 79F out, which is perfect for playing beach volleyball, but I need to see how my back feels because it’s quite tight now. I’ll turn on my heater and do a long yoga session before I go to the beach to loosen my back up a bit. I also have some Biofreeze gel I can put on to relieve the pain, which seems to work well for sore backs. I also like cooling it down with some ice and then heating it up with an overheated water bottle.


hvac duct


Cooling comes to our sunroom this year

The air conditioning will make it feel almost like we are still outside

When we were like a decade from retirement, I think we had already chosen just where it was we wanted to live once we retired. That really sort of shaped our last decade in our home region. I don’t think either of us were up for the Winter weather any longer. We were so ready to trade that gas furnace for a heat pump and all the air conditioning that came with it. We didn’t mind trading a tough Winter for a tough Summer. That’s because all we had to do was deal with four months of big time heat and humidity to enjoy the best 8 months of weather ever. So once we upgraded the HVAC equipment on the old place and sold it, we lived in a rented condo for that last year of our career. Then, it was off to the little bungalow we had purchased down here. It’s right on a small lake that’s adjacent to a fairway. I love playing golf but have come to enjoy watching other folks play in what might be considered my front yard. In fact, we are enjoying watching golfers all that much more this year thanks to the sunroom that we had added to our house. It’s just the perfect addition since it feels like an expanded front porch in a way. The HVAC company came out to install a ductless heat pump inside the sunroom last week. This way, we’ll be able to enjoy our sunroom all Summer long. The air conditioning will make it feel almost like we are still outside. But we’ll have the cooling comfort of residential HVAC to offset the heat and humidity of Summer.

cooling system


Aiming to break air conditioning cost savings record

It’s not long now.

  • And I’m fully prepared to take a shot at my all time record for savings on air conditioning over the Summer.

It will be a steep challenge as the previous record was set in 2020. That was the Summer when I couldn’t work inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office. Instead, I had to work from home in my own air conditioning. It was pretty miserable because I had to take a pay cut to keep my job. Plus, for the first part of the pandemic, my wife and son were quarantining with her parents. So I was alone for much of that Summer. So I really leaned into cutting all the costs I could in 2020. I didn’t eat out obviously but even stopped getting take out. The thermostat as also a target for my cost savings. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to maintain that high a thermostat setting before or since. But this year, I’m taking all of my prior experience and going one step further. No more programming the digital thermostat for me. I’m now turning all of that over to the smart thermostat. The HVAC technician installed this new HVAC technology when he was out here to do the air conditioning tune up earlier in the Spring. Of course, we try to keep the air conditioning off as much as possible during the Spring so we can acclimate to rising temperatures. But I’ve got the house prepped and an ready to see just how much the smart thermostat will save me on our cooling costs.

Quality HVAC