
Being a nanny and having to buy air filters

I never went to college.

At the time I thought I didn’t need to, I thought it was a waste of time.

Once my friends and I graduated high school they were preparing for college. I was preparing for my job hunt. I wanted to go in the workforce immediately after I graduated. Not graduate from high school and then go to school for another four years. That just wasn’t for me. A lot of my friend’s made more friends at school and I made friends at the part time jobs that I worked at. One of the jobs that I have recently picked up is being a nanny. Many don’t realize that it is a lot of work to becoming a nanny. You have to constantly keep an eye on the children that you’re watching. A few of my duties while being a nanny is cooking, cleaning and entertaining. On every Tuesday I am left a list to go to the store. There are some days where I have to go to the grocery store. Other days I have to run errands at a specific store. Today I was left with a list telling me to pick up air filters at the hardware store. I had no idea what air filters looked like. I had to have an employee show me where it was located. Then I was left with dimensions for the air filter. It took me a while to find the correct size but I eventually got it. Being a nanny and owning a house seems a little hard.



new hvac technology


Watching a home television show and seeing a broken soffit

Due to the freezing temperatures I spent my weekend inside.

Normally I would be out on the slopes shredding the mountain.

I love to escape the weekend by going snowboarding. Snowboarding acts like a release for me and it’s something that I thoroughly enjoy doing. However if it’s colder than 20 degrees I will not be on the slopes. That’s what happened this weekend, it was the coldest weekend of the winter yet. I was pretty bummed since I wouldn’t be able to snowboard for the next two weeks. Instead of facing the freezing temperatures outside, I relaxed on the couch and watched my favorite shows. One of my favorite shows is when interior designers and builders redo a home. One of the homes that a couple bought was a house that was built in the 1970s. One of the main problems with it was the soffit. The soffit is what held the ductwork in so cool or hot air could travel throughout the home. The soffit between the living room and the dining room did not meet up. One of the contractors suggested tearing it up so the soffit could meet up to the other one. At the end of the show they decided to install a natural wooden beam to fix the problem. It turned out great and it didn’t affect their ductwork. Plus it looked modern and it added a nice touch to the home. The couple didn’t install this themselves, they used contractors and had a second opinion from an HVAC contractor to make sure that it was installed correctly.


News channel warning about cold temperatures

Every morning I enjoy waking up and getting ready for the day.

I am always blessed to start each day as a fresh and new start.

If you had a bad day one day, the next day can be one of the best days of your life. You just have to make the most out of it. One day I woke up, fed my dog and made a delicious breakfast. I always like to start my day with a big healthy breakfast. I cooked three egg whites, oatmeal and two sausage links. While I’m cooking I like to watch television. My TV is mounted to the wall near my island. Having the TV there is very convenient. It allows me to catch up on current news. This morning while I was watching the news I saw the forecast. The weatherman said that temperature this weekend should reach up to in the single digits. With wind chill it should go into the negative 20’s. I immediately went downstairs and did a check to make sure everything was running ok. I didn’t really know what to check for so I called my HVAC technician to come over. The newscaster scared me a little bit because he said that freezing pipes are common with these temperatures. I wanted to make sure my home was warm as can be so I don’t have to worry about my pipes cracking. That would be a big mess! Having an appointment with my HVAC technician wouldn’t hurt. I probably should have him come before the cold weather hit.



furnace filter for sale


Zoning out the house for heating

It’s weird to think that our world has different seasons.

  • The fact that we can have a few months of it being super hot and super cold blows my mind at times.

There is so much that is with our world that we don’t know about. There are so many species and information that we have not discovered yet. Maybe some things are better left unsaid. However what I just discovered is that I can zone my house based on my heating and cooling options. I didn’t know that I could do that until I went over my dad’s house. When I went over it was on a very cold day. I saw that he had the pellet stove running. I always loved when it was on. I mentioned it to him and he said that he zoned out the house for these next few cold weeks. I asked him what he meant. He told me that he turned off the vent system for the kitchen, living room and dining room (since the pellet stove heated this section of the house). Then he opened the vent system in the bedroom and bathroom part of the house. By opening the vent system in the other part of the house, this allowed it to be heated. Before winter got very cold. The living room and dining area of the house would mainly be heated by the thermostat in the living room and not the thermostat near the bedrooms. I wanted to learn more about this temperature zoning for my home. Therefore I called my HVAC system to see what he could do.


heating device


Very cold day and having to use multiple heating options

I feel like winter is finally here due to the temperatures.

The temperature is -34 with wind chill.

This winter has been very mild and we have been very lucky since we have not had to snowblow our driveway or sidewalk at all this year. However with these very cold temperatures we have had to use multiple ways to heat our home. This is the coldest temperature that we have experienced ever. To keep our home very warm we wanted to use our pellet stove and furnace. We have not used our pellet stove at all this winter. We have over two tons of pellets stored in our basement that are untouched. We decided that this weekend would be the best weekend to turn on our pellet stove. With the pellet stove running and furnace our home has felt very warm. We had company over for a winter party and we got complimented on how comfortable and cozy our house was despite the below freezing temperatures. To ensure optimum heating efficiency in our home we made sure to have our furnace checked by a licensed HVAC technician. He did his annual maintenance check, ensuring that it was safe and ready to run to take on the winter season. We did the same thing for our pellet stove. Since the pellet stove hasn’t been on in over a year, he made sure that it was always ready to take on the cold temperatures. My family and I are lucky to have two heating option in our home.
Read more about heating equipment


Making sure to clean air vents

You could say that my mom is a complete clean freak.

  • I remember when I was younger and living with them that my mom would get mad at my sister and I if we left any dish in the sink once she got home.

She wanted all of the dishes and the kitchen to be spotless once she got home. I would always get annoyed and in spite I would leave a fork or a glass in there. However my sister would always make sure the dish that I put in the sink on purpose was clean. She didn’t want to upset my mother. My mother’s ways ended up rubbing off on me as I got older. Once I got a house on my home I was just as much of a clean freak as she was. I would tell my children that I wanted the dishes in the sink to be clean once I got home too. Not to mention I would clean all of my floors every Saturday, it was a weekly ritual for me. I would also go around dusting surfaces that I felt were full of dust. I hated a dusty home and once the surfaces were clean I felt like our air quality was much better. I would also dust the air vents that I could reach. The air vents were normally full of dust since they were on the floor. They would collect a lot of dirt and other particles. This was not good for our air quality since when the air would blow out it would catch the dust and it would blow into the air.



a/c tune up


Having long curtains in front of air register

Every time I move things around my house I will either get my husband to move it or my brother.

My brother is big and strong.

Not to mention he’s young so it’s not a lot of strain and stress on my husband. My husband and I recently just went to the furniture store to purchase a new dining room table. We needed some help moving it into our house and setting it up. We were going to pay to have it delivered but we didn’t want to waste $200 for the company to do it. We were well capable of doing it plus with the help of my brother. While we were at the furniture store we also saw a beautiful living room set. Ours was very old, it was an antique from the late 1800’s. The bed was rather small too and we like to have our own space while we sleep. While we were taking apart our old bed and furniture set I saw how long our curtains were. I didn’t realize that they were covering our air registers. I wasn’t afraid that the curtains were going to catch fire when the heat was on. I was concerned that our room wasn’t receiving full air circulation. When the heater or air conditioner was on, I don’t think we were having the right amount of heat and cooler air coming out because the curtains were blocking the vents. I made sure to take the curtains down so I could cut and sew them. I wanted to have the maximum amount of air coming out of my vents during the heating and cooling process.

air duct


Using fans during the wintertime

I have to use a duster to clean off the blades.

I am always hot or cold. I’m never in between. During the summer I don’t like to go outside a lot. I have a major sweating problem. This isn’t good because I like to go play basketball outside during the summer in a adult league. I have to put on certain creams under my armpits and take medication so I’m not sweating a lot. It gets pretty bad and I get embarrassed very easily by it. Even during the winter it’s just as bad too, or even worse. I always have to sleep with fans. I even sweat during my sleep. I believe it’s because I’m under blankets all night and the heater is on full blast. I have started turning down my heater to the lowest setting. There are nights where it’s mild outside and have been opening my windows. Every night I turn my ceiling fan on to generate circulation. I even have a portable fan that I plug into my outlet. This portable fan is aimed directly at me. I like when I have air directly blowing at me. I can hardly feel the sweat and it makes me sleep better at night. My ceiling fan can get pretty dirty at times though. I have to use a duster to clean off the blades. This dust also determines the air quality and cleanliness of my home. If I see a lot of dust that accumulates in a short period of time then I believe it is time to change my air filter. The fans have been a savior to me while I’m facing this sweating problem.



Heat pump


Buying my child a new bed but it covered the register

My husband and I would move constantly because he was in the service.

We moved to four different states in a matter of six years.

It became a hassle and a lot on our family. Since he retired things settled down and we were able to get a family pet. We decided to buy a dog since our moving was over and our home was finally permanent. The furniture that we were using to move was old and since my child was in her teens, her drawers were too small for her clothes. My husband and I decided to buy her a new furniture set. We got her a nice bed with two dressers, a mirror and a nightstand. Unfortunately we forgot to measure her room. Her bed was a little too big for the room so we had to tell her she couldn’t buy the queen bed. She was a little upset about that but she had to understand. When we got home we let her be in charge of how she wanted her room to be set up. A few hours later she called us in to check out her new room. The first thing that I realized was her bed was in front of the air register. My daughter was not having any luck with her bed. I told her that she had to move it so there could be proper air flow coming out of the registers. There shouldn’t be anything blocking the vents. There could be a greater chance of a potential fire. She was upset again but she properly understood that I was looking out for her safety.

a/c representative


At the salon and overhearing a customer talking about her propane tank

I am not a very high maintenance girl.

I get my nails done probably once a year, and I get my hair done every 4 months.

When I get my hair done I make sure that my hairdresser cuts a decent amount of my hair off. This is to get the dead ends off that make my hair very stringy. I also like to color my hair. I am a natural brunette but I get blonde highlights. I look like a natural blonde because I’m not a full brunette. Yesterday was my first time in many months getting my hair done. The first thing that my hairdresser said to me was, “It is definitely time to fix your hair.” It was looking really bad. While I was sitting down, and my hairdresser was adding color to my hair, I overheard the girl in the chair next to me. She was saying how she inherited an old farm house that has been in her family forever. The house is from the 1800’s and the other half was a recent addition. She said the older part of her home was the best part. However during the wintertime it was a pain because she had a propane tank. She wanted to switch over and get an oil tank but her HVAC technician would have to put in a very large tank, and she didn’t want that. She also said that her house was over 3,000 square feet and heating her home during the winter was hard since her home was big and there wasn’t a lot of insulation.



Space heater