
Getting an assist from the HVAC company with relocation

It happened again.

My company came to me with yet another job opportunity that would continue my career track in the direction that I want it to go.

But, this one comes with a move. And that made the decision to leave that much tougher. Plus, we were leaving a place where the HVAC heat pump was king for a place that needed a gas furnace as a heater in the winter. This was a very big deal for me as I’m southern to my core. However, the relocation made it much easier to broach with my wife. By some sort of serendipitous stroke of luck, we are moving to my wife’s home region. While I will be giving up my mild winters and all that air conditioning of the summer, she’ll be getting back her snow and cozy heating. But getting the house packed and sold was the big issue. We had renovated the house not too long ago to our satisfaction and that aspect would appeal to buyers. However, we had to upgrade the HVAC equipment. I made a call to our HVAC company to plead with them for help in making this all happen in just a few weeks time. And bless them, those HVAC professionals made it happen. The HVAC contractor got out to our house to do the inspection and go over our options for heating and cooling equipment. Once we were able to make that choice, the HVAC contractor was able to expedite the installation date so we could get our home on the market fast. And that new HVAC equipment put the house over the top. Our home was no the market for 5 days when we got a cash offer over our asking price.



HVAC duct

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