
The bar owner called us late Friday night

I used a special thermometer to check the temperature of the air that was coming out of the machine

I was the person working Friday night when an emergency service call was made to the HVAC repair business. I wasn’t using the answering service, so I answered the phone as soon as it rang. The customer was a commercial client and owner of a bar. The guy told me that the AC in the bar was not working. Warm air was coming out of the vents and the guy was frantic because the store was supposed to be open for three more hours. I told the owner of the bar not to worry. I told the guy that I would absolutely come to lend a hand. I left my apartment 10 minutes later and drove down to the bar. The place was packed with people. There was hardly any room for me to walk through the bar to find the manager. When I did find the manager, I discussed the problem with the guy and then he showed me where I could get started on the work. The coils on the AC unit were totally frozen. The refrigerant on the AC unit was low as well. I assumed that these problems were caused by each other. I grabbed some refrigerant from the truck and I filled the machine with more refrigerant. I started the AC again. I used a special thermometer to check the temperature of the air that was coming out of the machine. The air was 55 degrees. I told the bar manager that the refrigerant needed to be filled and I presented him with a bill for all of the fees. He opened up the till on the register and paid me with cash.


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