
HVAC companies actively looking for female A/C technicians

In terms of starting a work HVAC work seems like a much safer bet than a college education

Jennifer will be turning 18 next week, and she has a lot of big choices ahead of her. As her father I have regularly tried to guide her in the right direction, but allow her to make decisions for herself. I don’t like these “helicopter parents” who constantly meddle in the lives of their children! The way to build strong adults is to let them make their own choices, plus hope for the best, but Jennifer has expressed interest in going to university, even though I have advised her to think about trade school. I read a blog about how A/C companies are actively seeking female HVAC techs, because girls are so under-represented in the industry. A little online research led me to confirm this information, and some companies even gave a hefty signing bonus for qualified HVAC techs. Aside from the promising task market in the HVAC industry there is also the matter of paying for education. It is quoted that students at the local university graduate with over 60 thousand dollars in loan debt. It costs only a few thousand dollars to take all the needed HVAC courses to prepare for the certification process. In terms of starting a work HVAC work seems like a much safer bet than a college education. I think a lot of waitresses and baristas who have university degrees plus crippling loan payments, and don’t make half the salary that an HVAC tech can make. Jennifer is free to make her own choice, as regularly, even though I hope she chooses a job in the HVAC industry.


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