
Kids and pets make my task harder

I always knew that being married would be difficult. However, I never realized that it would be such a thankless obligation each day. I guess that things entirely changed with my fiance and I when my associate and I had children. Earlier in our marriage, my associate and I had a pretty blissful partnership. Then my associate and I brought some little rugrats onto the planet and everything fell apart. I found myself trying to balance two pets and two kids along with my task and house responsibilities. I have got to tell you, this viral pandemic has not made things any easier. As if it wasn’t difficult enough to work from home, I also have to keep up with the children who are ruining the house 24/7. These kids are such disasters that I even have to arrange more professional heating, cooling, and air quality control appointments just to keep up with their disfigurement. My little monsters are so dirty that they introduce a lot of excessive dander, dirt, and dust into the air. Since my associate and I had children our air filters have needed to be changed every two weeks. My buddy and I often have to arrange professional heating and cooling appointments for routine things like air duct cleaning and cooling system repair. I feel like the kids produce so much extra heat that our temperature control works overtime to keep up with our air temperature management. My problems are not limited to the children, because the pets contribute plenty of fur and filth to the air quality as well. If my associate and I did not have all of these beasts running around the house I think our energy bills, Heating and A/C service fees, and mental health would be greatly improved.


air conditioning system

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