
The heating element was turned up too high

The people I was with in addition to myself recently decided to get a space gas furnace in addition to then were forced to return it.

We had to return this gas furnace due to the fact that it was easily too powerful in addition to made our entire home completely dehydrated.

We had advanced heating and addition to cooling technology that was available. Would the portable space furnace being too much, the people I was with an addition to myself for unable or unaware if this brand of space gas furnace would be the best one. This week all we wanted to do was make sure that there was heat. We were not completely interested in really dealing with the problem in any further way. The people I was with in addition to myself dealt with the higher energy bills but I did not want to deal with the same thing with this new heater. Radiated floors could be nice in the house in addition to would probably pay for some type of program that goes to having and energy efficient heating system in the house. And so there is an afternoon when that comes, the people I was with in addition to myself can certainly deal with high energy bills. The furnace doesn’t really cause a lot of dehydration in addition to the fact that it is not regularly tepid in addition to dry. Indoor temperature controls are regularly spot on and different from portable gas furnaces that would be returned to a place that is still far too tepid.




The desert rain doesn't make it colder

It becomes very frigid in the western section of this country in addition to there are times when it is frigid in addition to real dry cold.

It is regularly hard to describe but because this dry air makes a lot of problems, I have issues with dust irritations.

There’s only a single way around it and there is no way to get relief except to use the portable air purifier that I have alone with a radiant space heater. Combining both of these machines means that I don’t have to deal with the allergy symptoms while I can still keep warm. I have a humidifier that adds some moisture into the air and even something that gets rid of the moisture. I have used both of these machines for a long time. It does not seem like there is a lot of condensation in the desert but it is absolutely rare to have these problems. I tried to make sure that the indoor air cleaning machine and dehumidifier can work together. The people I was with an addition to myself are not regularly fans of being in this area but we all hope to be able to transfer away from this part and it seems to regularly just be about the cash in addition to my task. I would hope they could relocate me to another place but right now I am forced to deal with the driest indoor air quality. Seasonal rain doesn’t make it much better either when there is barely less than an inch or two.


cooling expert


Cold weather brings lots of snow and ice

The people in addition to myself had a snow storm in this area and it was resulting in a great deal of shoveling that all of us had to do.

The people I was with in addition to myself do not prefer to shovel snow when it is frigid care about the temperatures right now.

However we are really thankful for the fact that we have a brand new in addition to up-to-date Central heating, ventilation in addition to air conditioning plan. It makes the frigid long nights not so bad when the people I was with in addition to myself can come into the house in addition to relax and addition to recognize great in my central heating in addition to air conditioning plan. Then the power of my brain current in addition to up-to-date Central Heating in addition to air conditioning plan is superb. None of us have ever had a time in our life when the plan was easily this powerful. All of us have found that there are many systems that are technologically advanced. Throughout these years all of us have been very happy to get this spring current in addition to up-to-date Central Heating and addition to air conditioning plan. The snow cleanup takes various amounts of time outside and it is important to be able to have the warm temperatures when we come back in. If the system wasn’t clearly as powerful as it is, we would be able to leave the temperature plan in the same place always.

air conditioning professional


Insomnia research on ductwork cleaning

Insomnia has been particularly bad for me this pregnancy.

I wake up around 2am and I know I will be awake until around 5am.

Everyone likes to joke it is the baby preparing me for when I give birth. I don’t find it all that funny. I just don’t get to sleep anymore, how horrible is that? At this rate it would be a relief to have a baby. I need something to do. When insomnia hits me I typically go on my computer and work. It has been frequent enough that even my workload can’t keep up. I am thankful I live alone since I can do other tasks now. It isn’t that rare to find me washing my floors, getting a work out or putting in a load of laundry around 3am. I also have been researching odd things during the night. Recently I started wondering if I should get my ductwork cleaned. I had recently done a project that had me scraping a popcorn ceiling and sanding wood right in the middle of the house. The AC unit was on and I am sure sucked up all that dust. Was my indoor air quality now polluted? I read online that you should get air duct cleaning every 5-7 years. I have never pushed it before in my lifetime. So during my nights of no sleep I have researched the best ways to clean HVAC ducts. I have located HVAC companies that offered this service. I also have reached out online to a few companions as late as 4 am about doing a ductwork cleaning appointment.

cooling corporation


Know way too much about HVAC now

It is weird the skills you acquire overtime.

I moved into a house that has a lot of outdoor shrubbery, citrus trees and a vegetable garden.

I could have ripped everything out and had nothing. Instead I did some research, bought the tools and now I maintain it all. I know a lot about outdoor garden care. I know when to trim, fertilize and pick my various fruits and veggies. I married a man that has to be gluten free for his health. He doesn’t cook however. So I need to make all gluten free meals and plan dinners out that won’t aggravate him. I am very familiar with a diet that cannot contain any gluten. Lastly, I am writing for an SEO company. That contracted me to write website content. Around 95% of their business has to do with heating and cooling dealerships. I have needed to research furnace repair, benefits of a new cooling system, air quality equipment, ductwork cleaning, etc. I know way too much about HVAC. I can tell you what NATE stands for and what a SEER rating is. I know MERV and AFUE as well. Do you? When the topic of heating and air conditioning comes up I sound like a certified technician. I know all straight facts however. If you opened up a HVAC component, I would be totally clueless. I can’t actually repair and maintain my own HVAC unit. My skills unfortunately do not extend to this. Perhaps someday I will take all this knowledge and use it for a practical application.
HVAC brands


Trying to get ahead on HVAC work

I am due to give birth in November.

  • Sadly I don’t know the exact day or time.

That is so annoying when you work the way I do. I have a set workload that I need to get done. I can pick my own hours and days. I have been steadily working ahead just in case I pop early. I work for an SEO business. What I do is write HVAC content for websites. I do some blog posting for them too. I highlight speciality services like ductwork cleaning, air purification systems, installation of UV lights and ventilators. I additionally do social media posting for all our heating and air conditioning clients. That is the only thing I have to wait for. I post on google, twitter and facebook. Facebook allows me the opportunity to schedule the HVAC related post later in the month. I can do those posts ahead. As far as google and twitter, it gets posted on the day. I need to wait until the first week of November to do those posts. I really would like to complete all the social media for my HVAC clients before giving birth. It is my biggest money maker. It also is the most mentally stressful, time consuming job that I do. It would be nice to get it over with before jungling a newborn on top of this. My goal is to complete all my HVAC work by the time November 15th rolls around. I am technically not due until ten days later. So I feel I am being more than smart with this planning.


gas heater


The other day at the park my niece knocked out a tooth

The other day when I took my kids and my niece and nephew to the park to play, there was an accident! We had a good time during the first part of the day.

All of the kids were running around like crazy on the playground, and at one point my niece climbed way up high on the monkey bars.

I told her to get down, but on her way down, she slipped and she ended up knocking out one of her teeth. I freaked out and I did not really know what to do, but I found an emergency dentist near the park. I immediately took her into the emergency dentist and they saw her right away. It was a good thing that there was an emergency dental clinic near us at the park because they were able to put her tooth back and save it. I don’t know how they do stuff like that, but I was very thankful for an emergency dentist, that’s for sure. I called my sister and told her about my niece’s tooth and she ran to the emergency dental clinic right away. Thank goodness that there was a pediatric dentist on call for the emergency dental clinic. The best thing was that they were able to get everything done quickly. My niece is fine now, and It looks like she is never going to really have an issue with that tooth at all. They were really great at the emergency dental clinic and I highly recommend them to anyone else who may end up in a scary situation like that!


Emergency Dentist


The fireplace is relaxing

Last night there was a party at my aunt’s house and we had so much fun.

My brother and I sang some songs and played our guitar and drum while my mom and step dad watched us.

We sang a song about mom and just made it up on the spot, but it turned out really well and they appreciated the gesture. Today I am pretty tired but I feel happy because I got to spend some time with a lot of relatives whom I haven’t seen in a long time and may never see again. We have a fireplace here and are going to make a fire and relax around the house today. I think it may be too cold out to go for a run so I may just chill today and do some yoga instead. I have a new radiant space heater and am going to toss out my old portable gas heater that I got so many years ago. I think I have about two more weeks here to visit and then I am going to go home and back to my beach life in the small town where I live. My heating and cooling specialist friend, who runs a local business, is going to play some music with me when I get back. We have been playing together for a while but we took a break from it so that I could come back here to the States to visit my family for a few weeks. He is a local contractor and musician and I really enjoy playing music with him.

Official Building Automation


The performance and custom automotive shop was hiring

I take my truck to a performance and custom automotive shop when I need to have the oil changed.

My truck is 25 years old and it has an older engine.

I like to take the truck to a place that will take care of it instead of treating it like it’s a car on an assembly line. If you have a small Honda or Toyota, I think it’s perfectly fine to go to the Jiffy store to get an oil change. If you have a huge 12 quart drinking diesel truck, then it’s probably better to go to a professional. I took my oil guzzling diesel truck to the performance and custom automotive shop on saturday. The guy behind the counter told me it would take about an hour to have the oil change completed. I made an appointment and I had time to wait, so I didn’t mind if it took an hour. I saw a sign in the building and the performance and custom automotive shop was hiring. After I was done getting the oil change, I went to see my mom and dad. My little brother has been living there for the last 6 months on the couch. He hasn’t had a job in a while. I mentioned that the performance and custom automotive shop was hiring and he accused me of not helping him pursue his dream of being a dancer. As far as I’m concerned, my brother is a bum on the couch at my mom’s house. Until he finds a job, he’s unemployed and it doesn’t really matter why.


Vehicle Wrapping


I had an electric water heater, and my boiler.

My husband found the thermostat for the hot water and turned it low

Last year, my husband and I had a boiler installed in our house. A boiler is excellent for heating the house. It is cost effective, and it doesn’t use as much fuel as most heating system. The boiler is also an excellent source for hot water. Unfortunately, when summer comes, you don’t need a heating system, but you still need to use the boiler, if it is your only source of hot water. I bought an electric hot water heater to supplement the hot water when the boiler wasn’t in use. I loved the electric hot water so much that I asked my husband if it would be possible to turn off the hot water in the boiler, and strictly use the electric hot water? He wasn’t sure if it would be possible, but he was sure a plumber could answer the question. The plumber came to the house and looked at the boiler and at the hot water heater. He said he had little knowledge about boilers, but he didn’t think it would be a problem. He saw shut-off valves, but he was hesitant to touch them. He told us we should call our HVAC technician and ask him the question. When the plumber left, I called the HVAC technician. He kind of hemmed and hawed, and we never got a straight answer. My husband found the thermostat for the hot water and turned it low. He said the electric hot water should be the only thing running now. Now, all we had to do was wait and see if we could hear the boiler turn on after I got a hot shower‌.
