
Thinking about our podcast

I do a daily podcast on the internet, it is something I started about 7 years ago & this week, I have a honestly strong & sizable following of an audience; Preparing for the podcast each month is honestly detailed. It is not what you recognize though… Sure, part of it is figuring out our show itself & what I am going to discuss. However, the whole set up process truly involves the tech side of things. I have to run checks on all of our voiceover studio equipment, then the voiceover studio unit I have is perfect for podcasts. I used to rent voice over studio unit in the beginning when I wasn’t sure exactly how the podcast was going to go in terms of followers, etc, however but once I had our sizable & fantastic audience base, I then went out & invested in the best voice over studio unit money could buy! But even though the voice over studio unit is top of the line, there is occasionally some small tech troubles that need to be adjusted before our daily podcast. There is also a lot of looking after & maintenance on the voice over studio unit that I need to do in order to be able to keep it all going. This is a major time investment in itself. But once all is said & done, our voice over studio unit is at the top of its game & our podcast goes out there like no other! Many of listeners commented on the high quality of it all, and this our friends is thanks to the top quality voice over studio unit that I have!



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