
Cleaning up while everyone is away

Quarantine certainly changed a lot of our lives, but I tried to use all of the time at home to help my business.

  • I turned my two car garage into an exercise studio.

I bought some more gym equipment that still had life left, and I set up the treadmill, stationary bike, and weight set in my new exercise area. I eventually picked up a few clients looking for a personal trainer. The business grew quickly and I was entertaining new clients once a week. When the quarantine occurred, I had to stop seeing clients at home. I decided to use the time for some very useful projects like cleaning up the exercise studio and renovating some of the indoor areas. The stimulus check was a nice surprise and I used the money to buy new laminate flooring and paint for the walls and ceiling. When I was done renovating the exercise studio, I was very happy with the results. When classes finally resume on a regular schedule, all of my clients will be happy with the changes as well. I have a nice indoor air purifier that I plan to use during classes and I am also going to limit the number of students to keep classes smeller. I even bought an additional treadmill from an online retailer. They were offering the price for a huge discount due to the fact that it was a model from a previous year. I snagged the new exercise equipment for 75% off the retail price because the business needed to make room for more equipment.

Wellness and fitness

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