
Extra air purifiers and sanitizer stations will help us stay open

I have been completely dreading the days that we reopen for business.

Some area businesses are open with limited capacity and everyone is requiring patrons to wear a mask.

I manage a very large fitness center that is open 24 hours a day. We have been closed for business covering the coronavirus warranty. During that time, we laid off 50% of our staff and we only kept a small maintenance crew and managers. Nobody knew if we would ever be able to open the door again. Thankfully the virus numbers are going down and things look extremely promising for our future. In two weeks, we will be able to open the fitness center with a smaller indoor capacity. Other states have reopened sooner and bars, gyms, and restaurants have been a hotspot for virus transmission. I want to be certain that everyone is safe in our building so we can stay open for business. I ordered several extra indoor air purifiers that can be moved around the building. The air purifiers are on wheels, so I can have maintenance staff move them to different areas around the building. I also ordered a dozen hand sanitizer stations. They are strategically screwed to the wall in many areas around the gym. I hope that our customers will use the hand sanitizer and I am also hopeful that the indoor air purifiers will keep the virus out of the fitness center. If we have an outbreak, that will be doom for this business. We will provide safety equipment and require masks and I hope that will be enough.



Workout classes

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