
The air purifiers were scary and loud

Over the last few weeks, my daughter has been complaining about going to daycare.

She was home with me for three months and I know she doesn’t want to leave the house. I didn’t want to go back to work after the quarantine was over either, but I didn’t have a choice. I took my daughter to daycare Monday morning and I made my way to work. I was halfway through security when the daycare director called. My daughter was hysterical and she was crying. She told me that there were large robot monsters Inside the daycare and she was terrified. I had no idea what she was talking about, but she would not calm down. Since she was extremely frantic, I decided to leave work and go pick her up. As soon as I entered the building. I understood why she was upset. The daycare installed air purifiers over the weekend and they are extremely loud and scary. My daughter has a desk that is located next to an air purifier and she was terrified by the noises that the machine was making. My daughter thought it was a large robot monster. I spent an hour with my daughter at the daycare and we sat next to the air purifier. I didn’t want her to be scared the next day. After an hour I took her home and we spent the rest of the day together. I told her that she had to go to school the next day. The next morning she got up for school and never complained about the robot monsters again.

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