
The tune-up showed dirty HVAC duct in the attic

The last time our husband and I had a tune-up performed on the Heating and A/C system, the worker cleaned and sanitized the HVAC duct in our attic! My husband and I did not realize all of us had a bunch of concerns with the HVAC duct, until all of us had a repair tune up on the heating and a/c system, then the worker used a camera to check the HVAC duct for holes, rips, and tears! While using the camera, the Heating and A/C worker realized there was a lot of buildup of dust and debris inside of our HVAC duct.

The worker showed me video footage from the HVAC duct and the guy offered me an bid to have the labor completed.

My husband and I did not want to waste any time having the labor performed, especially after all of us saw the gross triumphants of our Heating and A/C HVAC duct, however on the same day, a team of experts came to the home to scrub and sanitize the HVAC duct. They removed a whole garbage bag filled with dust and dirt, i was completely shocked and embarrassed when I saw the triumphants of the bag. There was a ton of dust in the bag, but also some lint from the dryer, and after the HVAC duct was cleaned, the indoor air conditions was greatly improved. I used to find myself sneezing almost every day when I got up, but since the HVAC duct was cleaned, I rarely sneezed at all. My dust sensitivity symptoms are more controlled with a single monthly pill! Having the HVAC duct cleaned was a good system and I did not entirely spend too much money for the service.
hvac professional

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