
Putting fans around the house

Until I find a modern job, I am dealing with a pay split as a compromise to avoid a total layoff situation.

I think our managers genuinely think they are doing myself and others a favor, but I believe the truth about them closing our department just to look better for investors at the tail end of a rough financial quarter.

Still, some of our coworkers are now completely out of work while I was able to buy some time while I try to land a modern position. This is what kept myself and others afloat during some of the worst financial unparticularty that this nation has ever faced, and that’s including the Great Recession of 2008. It’s a paycut, sure, but it’s better than having genuinely no cash to pay our bills with or for food from the grocery store. But because of the paycut, I have to make other sacrifices right now that I might not have been faced with various years prior before the pandemic happened. I had to cancel our gym membership and even stopped eating food out of the apartment as a means to come up with extra cash. I’m also making sacrifices around the apartment to get by for the time being. I desperately need modern ductwork and a modern a/c, but I won’t be able to budget for this for a number of years at least. As a means of improving air flow throughout, I got a bunch of seasoned fans out of our attic and have arenad them at strategic arenas in our apartment to improve air flow. They’re surprisingly easily effective at doing this, as they truly overcompensate for the poorly designed ductwork that came with this apartment when I purchased it.

New air conditioning

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