
I was stuck in the window.

While my wife was working, I wanted to remove the window AC units.

Together, we would have done the job in no time, but I wanted to do the job alone.

I felt that if she was working every day, she shouldn’t need to come home and work. I didn’t realize how heavy those AC units were until I tried to remove them on my own. The first two went fairly easily, but they were smaller AC units. The third one was proving to be more difficult. It weighed at least forty pounds more than the other two, and it was sitting precariously on the windowsill. When it started teetering, I tried to catch it. The AC unit fell to the ground, and the window came down on top of my shoulders, pinning me in the window opening. I couldn’t move my arms to raise the window, and my back wasn’t strong enough. I was thinking I would still be stuck in the window when my wife got home, but my neighbor was walking in the backyard and saw me. He asked if I needed help, and I simply looked at him. I could see the snicker on his face as he came into the house. Once he lifted the window, I was free, but I had to clean up the mess that was in the yard. I could picture the look my wife would give me when my neighbor’s wife regaled her with all the details of how I got stuck in the window and that I had to clean up the broken AC unit in the yard.
a/c repairman

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