
Are you sure you know what you're doing?

My husband can do some things in the house. If it is plumbing or HVAC, I would prefer he calls a professional. The last time he tried to service the air conditioning, I could hear him cursing outside, and I was inside. After hearing a tool hit the side of the house and his yelp and sudden emergence into the house, I knew there was a problem. His hand was bleeding, and I had to take him to the hospital for stitches. He nearly lost a finger when the screwdriver slipped and jabbed into his hand. When he said he was going to check the furnace out before calling the HVAC technician, I cringed. I wanted to ask if he was sure he knew what he was doing, but I didn’t want him to get angry with me. He told me I didn’t trust him, and what good was a marriage without trust? Not that I didn’t trust him, I just knew how‌ much he was lacking in knowledge of HVAC. He grabbed his tools and headed into the basement. As soon as he was out of hearing distance, I called the HVAC company. Luckily, our son was on duty that weekend, and I talked to him. He said he would call his dad and tell him he was coming over for dinner. Maybe my husband would stay away from the furnace until our son arrived. To make sure of it, he called his dad and asked if he had the furnaces serviced yet? He was coming over for dinner, and he thought he would do it for us while he was there.

Quality air conditioner

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