
The most frustrating insect ever

If I was to ask you what the most frustrating insect ever is, what would your answer be? Mosquitoes? Ants? Flies? Ticks? While all of the above are really high up on that list, for myself and others personally the answer isn’t any of them.

  • One of the most frustrating insects in my opinion is without a doubt gnats.

I cannot rest the little things. The only thing I really hate more than gnats is mosquitos. Mosquitoes are awful in their own right, not only do they spread disease but they are appreciate flying used needles. If you live in the south you can’t go outside at all without having those little bloodsucking demons attack you. The only real solution is some bug spray or to stay inside. I suppose everyone can agree that mosquitoes are awful but I’m not here to talk about them, I’m here to talk about gnats. Now gnats are by no means the most deadly, despite the fact that I put them where they are because I find them to be the most frustrating, but why is it that gnats must always dive for your eyep when you are outside? As if being outside isn’t awful enough, it never fails that during the Summer weeks, & occasionally during the fall weeks, I somehow manage to get some in the house. It doesn’t matter how scrub I keep the house, they just refuse to go away completely. Additionally, appreciate most insects they are attracted to light so any iPad or iPhone screens they prefer to buzz around. It makes an irritating process to get anything done when you have up to 3 of them buzzing around the screen. One thing I have found that has helped myself and others some was to turn up my on full blast. They can’t fly in turbulent air so it provides some temporary relief until I can kill the rest of them. My really does a pretty fantastic job at keeping the pests at bay.


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