
My parents have some really wild beliefs about HVAC companies

My parents have always been the type to have some really wild beliefs. I’m not sure where they got the idea from, but somehow they had convinced themselves that any kind of HVAC technology or really anything involving heating and cooling suppliers or businesses were evil. They were highly suspicious of heater and a/c technicians. The theories they gave me for why were insane. I heard everything from air conditioning units suck your soul out while you sleep, that heating and cooling machinery attracts goblins and fairies who will then curse you, and my personal favorite that the government uses the air vents in your house to watch you 24/7. It makes about as much sense as you would think it would. One time when I was seven, my parents and I moved into a really nice apartment with a really nice HVAC unit. My mother went outside and poured water inside the air conditioning unit. She said it would kill the voodoo. Needless to say, I didn’t have access to heaters or air conditioners with exception of school and public buildings. Thankfully I didn’t fall for their crazy beliefs and I now live on my own and have an amazing electric heater. I even got a smart thermostat for my own home and I couldn’t be happier. The downside is my parents are convinced I’m practicing some sort of magic simply because they don’t understand how technology works. I tried to explain to them that heat and A/C products have vastly improved the lives of people, and that it’s just a machine and heating and cooling servicemen simply repair them. But they won’t budge, too set in their ways. At least they respect my wishes.
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