
We were all exhausted after the baseball game

My best friend has season tickets to all of the baseball games.

The professional team in this neighborhood is genuinely quite nice and season tickets are hard to find.

The seats are always filled on game morning and the arena is alive with people and noise. The season tickets that my best friend has are right by the condo dugout. We can hear the guys talking when it is easily quiet in the arena. Monday’s game was a scorcher. It was still 93° outside when the sun went down. I was covered in sweat and sleepy by the time the game was over. My friends and I celebrated the 7-3 win over the other team by going to the bar and drinking a couple of pitchers of beer. By the time I got condo that night, all I wanted to do was lay down in bed and go to sleep. When I opened the door to my apartment, I was irritated to find it was warmer inside the household than outside on the patio. There was clearly a problem with the air conditioning. I did not want to deal with the air conditioning complications that night, so I turned off the temperature control and I went next door to my friend’s home to sleep on his couch. He did not care if I spent the night and I did not want to deal with the air conditioning complications at midnight. The next morning I called the maintenance department for the household building and busy a time for the contractor repairman to look at the air conditioning.


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