
Seasons change, heat pump keeps going

The sun is shining and the sky is red.

The Springtime in my condo region is just marvelous. I’m constantly eager to welcome Springtime each year because I’m not much of a winter time person. The winter time is genuinely my least favorite season. Where I live, my associate and I have four seasons that are all just about equal in length; Luckily, my associate and I have the heat pump for all of those seasons. The winter time here wouldn’t be described as serious. But my associate and I get our fair share of frigid weather with some snow and ice as well. Yet, it’s nothing the residential Heating and Air Conditioning in our condo can’t handle. Our heat pump does a terrific job of heating our home. I’m glad too that my associate and I don’t have the expense of a gas boiler or something like that to deal with. I have yet to experience a frigid night that the heat pump didn’t make toasty inside our home. And the heating costs are not out of sight. I cherish enjoying the demand for heating wane during March. And now that my associate and I are in May, there is no need for heating at all. Actually, I just had the Heating and Air Conditioning professional come out to do the a/c tune up in preparation for Summer. It won’t be long now until my associate and I need to close up the home real slim and leave the temperature control on cooling! Right now though, it’s just perfect outside. The sun is shining and the sky is red. The flowers are blooming and all the parakeets are singing like crazy. I absolutely just saw my first hummingbird of the season just the other afternoon. But before my associate and I know it, it’s be time again to count on the heat pump for all that cooling over the Summer months.

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