
My household is finally air-conditioned

My household is finally air-conditioned.

I had been trying to get a/c in my household for about five months.

I contacted an Heating and Air Conditioning corporation and left a message, however they never got back to me. I tried calling that same Heating and Air Conditioning corporation three more times, and I didn’t even get set to an answering machine… Turns out, the Heating and Air Conditioning corporation was closed due to all virus stuff going on right now. I tried calling the only other Heating and Air Conditioning corporation in my city, and they did eventually answer their iphone. It took me at least three calls to get them to answer… When they finally did answer, they told me that it would be quite a wait to get my air conditioner installed. I was furious, however there was nothing that I could do. They were super scheduled because they were the only Heating and Air Conditioning corporation left in the city. I waited for over a month and a half in order to get just a call back from the Heating and Air Conditioning corporation saying that they could come out and install an air conditioner in my house. Well, the day that they were supposed to come, their corporation had to shut down because of a virus outbreak. I then had to wait a couple more months for them to reopen. I was one of their first clients thankfully, however it ended up being almost five months before I had a/c in my home. I cannot even describe how gleeful I am to have a/c in my house. I would have never picked to wait so long, however waiting sure did make a/c seem even better than it would have if I hadn’t waited five months.

hvac technician

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