
I call them the “Temperature wars”

Tit-for-tat arguments seem to come with the territory when you are in a relationship.

It’s the little things that always seem to matter most when you are with someone.

I have many small arguments with our partner Ed, plus it almost becomes a wicked game occasionally as to who will mention something first. Take the temperature control unit, for example. Ed and I generally agree on the temperature range that Ed and I keep in the house… Well, that has not actually accurate. I would actually care about having it a few degrees lower than the compromise that we have settled on. Or, at least, I thought Ed and I were compromising on it. For a while now, the people I was with and I have set the temperature controls to 78 degrees whenever Ed and I occupy the house; During the afternoon, before I leave for work, I set the temperature controls to 73 degrees, but yet, when I am in the house, I absolutely have it be at least 78 degrees or cooler, lately, but, Ed has been setting the temperature control to 78 degrees, and every time I see it I will set it back to 78 degrees. This has been going on for about a few weeks now. Every time I turn around the temperature control is set back to 78 degrees, so I simply change it back to 78 degrees. It’s pretty obvious that Ed and I both believe full well what we are doing plus if the people I was with and I do not mention it at all. I am not sure who will mention it first. At this point, I can actually tell exactly when the temperature shifts, but Ed is pretty sneaky about when she’s resting by the temperature control decreasing it.




Renting a home with an A/C system

Recently, I moved into a more current house. It had been built a mere 12 years beforehand. The couple who built the lakeside house was a military family who was hoping to have a current home in the area! Sadly for them, they had to leave to go to some other section of the country on orders just after completing the house. I ended up renting the current home from them with our older sibling, but all of us had a lot to learn about basic current home repair. Thankfully, because Ed and I were renting, a lot of the things that the people I was with and I would normally need to take care of would be covered by the property owner. The property owner was responsible for scheduling all Heating as well as A/C visits, but Ed and I would at least need to change the air filter plus monitor the Heating as well as A/C system. Obviously, because Ed and I were living in the home, I would have to be the a singles to determine whether or not the Heating as well as A/C systems required repair apart from the respectfully tied up repair visits from the local Heating as well as A/C businesses . The Heating as well as A/C system was obviously brand new. It was installed only a few weeks after the lakeside house had been built. A buddy assured myself and Ed that because the Heating as well as A/C system was brand-new, our older sibling plus I may never have any major issue come up with the Heating as well as A/C system while Ed and I are renting this site. All of us have a single-year contract, so the people I was with and I will see. I believe that I would care about continuing renting this place after the year is up, but. Among many other things I like about the house, the air conditioning feels so great!

Heating corp


Heating methods makes life easier

I am of the belief that a great buddy plus great partners can push you to be the best that you can be; They do not merely agree with every 1 of your opinions plus your every choice in life just to make you believe better about yourself, if they track a behavior that they feel is not in your best interests, then they will point it out, though there is a difference between genuine problem plus being encouraging plus simple condescension plus nagging… For example, our partner Ed is quite conscientious about getting our heating plus a/c respectfully maintained plus doing what Ed and I can to save money on our energy bills.

I have to largely credit Ed for our stable financial situation plus a wash plus fully functional Heating as well as A/C system, just to name a few reasons why Ed is awesome! I have to admit that I am not necessarily as conscious with our money, plus I tend to forget the little details care about decreasing out our air filter or scheduling correct Heating as well as A/C repairs before the more serious temperature seasons of the year.

Ed recently suggested that the people I was with and I simply sign up for an Heating as well as A/C repair methods that ensure that appointments are automatically tied up in the fall plus the Spring to prepare our oil furnace plus our a/c for the Wintertide plus summer, respectively. I suppose Ed got tired of telling myself and others over plus over again to schedule Heating as well as A/C appointments, then now, I don’t have to worry about scheduling appointments, plus the Heating as well as A/C service tech will simply call us shortly before she shows up for seasonal repair. I have to hand it to Ed: she is patient with myself and others plus she enriches our lives!

New HVAC technology


Making my screen room more comfortable with a portable air conditioner

I really enjoy sitting in my screen room for about half the year.

During one half of the year, the weather is either mild or cool and crisp and delightful! However, during the other half of the year, the weather just seems to be too hot for me to be able to properly enjoy my screen room.

The Sun beats down on me as I sit in my screen room, and it puts a damper on me enjoying the fresh air. Of course, it wouldn’t do any good to try and extend my central air conditioning system to accommodate the screen room. I tried to use fans in the screen room to keep me cool. Using fans just ended up causing a whole bunch of noise and the fans were blowing things everywhere. Then, it hit me. Why don’t I invest in a small portable air conditioning system for the screen room? This was an awesome idea! A small portable air conditioning unit would be perfect for my screen room. I was quite excited about going out to purchase the portable A/C. I couldn’t wait to see if it was going to solve my screen room conundrum. I ended up going to the hardware store and buying quite the powerful little air conditioner unit. I was very impressed with its performance in the screen room. It combated the heat and humidity perfectly. Now I can enjoy fresh air and sunshine and still be nice and cool thanks to this portable A/C. What a wonderful idea!

Heating corporation


Drying clothes in my house causes me to want a dehumidifier

My dryer gave out on me recently.

I’m actually very glad that it was not the washing machine that broke on me.

That would be a significantly bigger problem, I must say. I would much prefer being able to wash my clothes then not being able to dry my clothes with a dryer. However, I was still left with a conundrum. I still needed to dry my clothes. What should I do? I decided that I would have to try them in the house. I hung them up around various rooms in my apartment. I have to admit, I was running out of space. Drying all of these clothes throughout my apartment actually caused a bit of a problem when it came to my air conditioner. Things were not quite as comfortable as they used to be. Don’t get me wrong, my air conditioner was still working just fine. It’s just that the air throughout my apartment started to get a lot more humid. This was of course, a natural thing to happen when I was hanging wet clothes everywhere. I was trying to avoid buying a new dryer because I couldn’t afford it. Perhaps I could afford to buy a dehumidifier instead! I’m sure dehumidifiers cost far less than a brand new dryer. I decided getting the dehumidifier was a better option. Now that I have the dehumidifier, it has largely taken care of the extra humidity in the air. I have to admit that it is a little embarrassing when I have guests over, though. Well, at least my apartment is nice and cool and dry like it should be!



furnace/heater repair


Around here, we don't mess around with the air conditioner!

It’s very hot and muggy where I live. We really don’t have four distinct seasons in the area that I live in. The leaves don’t really change color in the fall all that much. The last time that my town saw snow was about 30 years ago! The seasons are basically hot, warm, and cool. The hot season is more than half the year, the warm season is the next largest block of time, and the cool-season only lasts about three months at the most. It goes without saying that while not every home in this area has a heater, every home is definitely equipped with an air conditioner of some sort or another. Folks in this town don’t go without an air conditioner, and that’s that! The local heating and air conditioning company is super busy nearly all year. They only seem to catch a break in the late fall and winter time. That’s when the weather might actually be cool for a change. It’s some of the most delightful weather of the year throughout late November and on into January. The rest of the time, however, and sometimes even during these months, we have to deal with the oppressive heat and humidity. My friends and I often joke that we are willing to put up with many things other than losing A/C. When it comes to how serious I am about air conditioner, I have often said that I would prefer living in a tent that somehow had an air conditioner instead of living in a big, nice house that did not have any air conditioner.

Read more about AC


I always pinch my pennies when it comes to my utility bill

I’m doing everything I can to save as much money as possible on my energy and water bill.

I’m one of those people who is willing to live with a minimal amount of personal comfort if it means that I can save a good deal of money.

That is not to say that I am forcing myself to be uncomfortable all the time. The truth is, I can genuinely live with less. I keep my thermostat at 77 degrees in the summer. When I am not occupying my house, I set it to 80 degrees. This ends up saving me a whole bunch of money in the end. I hear the amount on the electric bills that my friends pay, and I am amazed at the stark difference between my bill and their bill. One friend says that they can’t live without blasting the air conditioner at 67 degrees at night. They reason that the cooler the temperature, the easier it is to sleep. However, I can accomplish the same effect without running my central air conditioner at such an absurdly low temperature all night long! I simply put a sizable fan in my room to circulate the air. I also have my ceiling fan running at night. During the day, I also draw the curtains and generally try to keep the sunlight from heating up my house to a warmer temperature that needs to be. There are actually many ways to save money on your utility bills by conserving water and energy. It’s really nice to have a lot of money in your savings account at any given time!





Game day is tarnished by an HVAC mishap

I have to admit that a rather important part of my weekend is Sunday football.

All week I slave away hoping that game day will be the one break I need to relax unwind and watch a good game or two or three! So, whenever anything ruins game day in the slightest, I have to admit that I am not particularly pleased.

Some things are far more inconveniencing than others. This latest time, my air conditioner suddenly developed a serious problem right at the very moment of kickoff. It was working fine, and the living room was nice and cool, when all of a sudden, I heard a terrible screeching noise and a bang, and suddenly, there was no cool air flow through the air vents in the living room or anywhere else in the house! I sat there stunned for a moment, because I couldn’t believe my terrible luck. I certainly would not have appreciated my air conditioner giving out on me so suddenly during the rest of the week, but I would have taken the problem at any other time, literally any other time than this! At first, I reasoned that it was not particularly hot outside and I would be able to still enjoy myself somewhat, even without an air conditioner. However, after a mere twenty minutes, I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my brow. The game was quite exciting, so I didn’t really notice until then. I sighed and waited for a commercial. Then, I grabbed a fan from a closet and pointed it at me. The HVAC emergency would have to wait, because I was getting through this game anyway!


Cooling specialist


Learning how to maintain a house with help from a friend

I was a little apprehensive moving into my first house.

I was going to be the one taking care of any and all maintenance issues that I would encounter with owning my home.

I had rented apartments and small homes my whole life prior to this. It was high time that I got a mortgage, but now I needed to learn how to shoulder all the responsibility of maintaining a home and property. Luckily, I had an old friend who was willing to walk me through the basics one day. I really was clueless! She showed me everything from how to shut the water off when there was a water problem to knowing where the breaker box was and how to switch off different pieces of electrical equipment. Then we talked about the HVAC system. He examined the HVAC unit and showed me how to change the air filter. He showed me the fan motor and the evaporator coils. It gave me a basic rundown of how the HVAC system functioned and little things that I would be able to do by myself. However, he admonished me that for the bigger tasks, I would definitely need to call out an HVAC serviceman to take care of my system. I wasn’t even particularly inclined to tackle the tasks that he deemed easy enough for me, so I was all too willing to get a reference for an HVAC company. He gave me the number and website for the HVAC company that he has come to trust, though he barely ever needs them, because he knows the ins and outs of HVAC work rather well.

Clickable live link


Sunlight can heat up a room

I recently moved into an apartment with my friend.

It is somewhat small, but it still accommodates both of us rather nicely.

The air conditioner is considerably powerful, but I am seriously starting to regret my choice of room. It is a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment, and my room is on the west side of the building. I haven’t really gotten curtains for the window yet, and the sun heats up the room considerably in the afternoons when I’m trying to work. At first, I tried to ignore it. I moved my computer and desk over to a corner of the room where the sunlight did not shine so brightly. It’s the middle of the summer so that really didn’t change the fact that it was very hot in the room in the late afternoons. Finally, I decided that I would start turning down the thermostat in order to compensate for the heat generated from the sunlight. I managed to do this and get away with it for a couple days. Then, my roommate over on the east side of the apartment complained about it. His room wasn’t being hit with direct sunlight, so he felt the change in the temperature far more than I did. It’s a silly argument to have, so I gave in. This sunlight problem is really starting to get annoying. I have a very busy schedule, but I need to go buy the curtains ASAP. I think I will get black out curtains so that I will have no sunlight coming through the room whatsoever. I have a stay-at-home job where I code late into the night, so being a night owl, I generally don’t like the sunlight.

electric furnace