
Ads don’t typically work.

I thought she was kidding when she handed myself and others a bill

I was talking to a friend of mine, who creates social media ads for an online SEO company, i was telling him I was having a difficult time with client acquisition; She said our website looked good plus had plenty of information, but I needed a better landing site. She said that sometimes, offering something as simple as an article about how a client can complete their own repair, will help draw a client to our business! At the least, they’ll get the free information, plus hopefully sign up for more information. She knew some companies that offered a free inspection of the Heating plus A/C equipment, depending on the season. She also offered to put some social media ads in for me, although she cautioned they don’t typically work, but many people will look at the ad plus pass it over. If I got a single client out of every hundred who clicked on the ad, I would entirely keep that customer. Most people will look at the website plus click right back out, however this was called spend our savings per click, plus it was a way of advertising. I wasn’t interested in those types of online ads. I wanted something that would lead people to our website plus keep them interested; When she offered to overhaul our website, I couldn’t have been happier. After she was done, she said it was a good thing she had overhauled the Heating plus A/C company website, but keywords were nearly non-existent on the Heating plus A/C website, plus if they were there, it was entirely accidental. She added a landing page, keywords plus implemented social media ads for me. I thought she was kidding when she handed myself and others a bill. She said to be cheerful because it was a quarter of what she charged her other customers.

Pay per click

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