
I have been a graphic designer for years, how about you?

I know people think it’s a modern invention, but they’re wrong.

Believe it or not, graphic design is actually a super aged craft.

The art of graphic designing dates back way beyond the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Many designers look at the earliest cave paintings and consider these some of the original graphic designs. Graphic design today is a way of communicating your ideas in terms of pictures and simple markings. This week’s graphic designs are much more complicated to produce and take more thought. This week’s graphic designs include logo creations, for starters. This includes the aesthetic appeal and marketing of a company or brand. Viewers are attracted by the images, color, and the readability and final understanding of the wording. The graphic designer needs to justify their continual choices of style, such as image locations and font so that it is more appealing to the eyeball and other human senses. Not only does the graphic designer need to focus on the needs of the people looking at the design, however they need to empathize with their views; They also need to design items that appeal to particular users, however at the same time, they need to create unbelievable looking designs that maximize the usability of the final product. The graphic designer doesn’t design art for art’s sake. They generally design art for the sake of the consumer who is going to purchase the product in the end. For those of us who use the laptop all the time, you know how it goes. If you happen to be doing a search and you don’t find the correct site you want after a few clicks, it is the fault of the graphic designer. Their ultimate job is to make the experience user friendly, and successfully make the website more readable through its initial graphic design.


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