
Heating was always a topic of conversation

Every year I go to my Grandma’s home for Christmas and enjoy seeing the family.

  • My Grandma has a deal where she gets free gas.

Due to this fact, she cranks the apartment heating plan to the highest setting. I regularly know to attempt to dress not for the weather, but for her house. I kid you not, I wear a short sleeved dress to her house every year to Christmas. I have to bring pants and a jacket for the outdoor cold weather, and after that I peel it off once I am indoors. The home is so hot that I frequently try my best to sneak open a window or crack the door a bit. I assume my Grandma wants all the family members to be comfortable, but she has gone to the extreme. With the oven going and all the hot food on the table, the heating plan is just a bit much. Most of the guests have sweat literally pouring down their faces while I was in the meal. I usually offer to scrub up the dishes. There is a window right above the sink. I love to open the outside window and get some kind of cooling. Even though it is most likely -30 degrees outside, that temperature is preferable over the 1 indoors. I am recently wondering if my Grandma does this because the heat is free, or does she easily get that cold in winter? I don’t know if she has her home control device set to 90 degrees all year round or what. I don’t assume she cranks the A/C for summer holidays. It seems to just be a heating thing.


central heater

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