
Didn’t like having to wait for other contractors to finish up

I don’t care for laboring with multiple dealers on the same job, especially if I don’t know them.

There are consistently setbacks with schedules and time delays and someone regularly ends up getting the excruciating end of the deal.

That happened to me a lot when I became an independent dealer. I labor on HVAC jobs. I handle all of the heating and a/c aspects of any building or construction job. I make an attempt to labor around other dealers, but most of the time it is easier to wait until they are entirely finished. Hardly a few years ago, I landed a job with the county. I won the bid to install all of the new HVAC devices inside of the elementary schools. I thought it would be a pretty simple job, but most of the time I was standing around waiting for someone else to finish up with their job. The school was doing a good amount of remodeling throughout the warm season and I had to work around multiple schedules. It was incredibly clear why nobody bid the low amount of currency that won me the contract in the first place. I thought I would be done with that construction contract in roughly 60 days, however I spent the entire summer season laboring around everyone’s schedules. I spent way too much currency on labor and I barely made any profit on the job. If I hadn’t done half of the labor myself, I would have lost currency. I had a headache for multiple months after that job was done. I have absolutely learned a lot of lessons since I became a small business owner.

Building and remodelling contractors

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