
We’ve always enjoyed going on long walks together

Something that my wife and I enjoyed immensely at the beginning of our relationship was just going for long walks. We loved walking around in the local parks and wherever we could go where there was a lot of nice scenery. It wasn’t long until we got into the winter season, but we still enjoyed going for walks. We said that if we got too cold, we would run back to the car and crank up the heating system. I also had a nice jacket with a built-in heating system. My lady thought it was amazing that I had such a thing and I even let her wear the jacket. She loved my jacket so much that she started wearing it all the time and I had to wear my other jacket and I struggled to keep warm. I eventually decided to buy her a nice jacket with the built-in heating as well. She nearly lost her mind and said it was the best gift that she had ever gotten. Later on during Christmas, she got me a nice smart thermostat for my home. She was staying at my place all the time anyway so it was for her in a way too, but still it saved me a great deal of money on the energy bills. Not to mention, it was so convenient being able to adjust the temperature control settings remotely no matter where I was going. So I found myself adjusting the temperature control settings while being out on a long walk with my lady, and the temperatures were always perfect in my home when we got back to my place to relax.


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