
The heating and a/c system was clogged

If there is one thing that I really love about having a modern heating and a/c system, it is all of the benefits that come with it.

I don’t mean to brag but I have a top of the line heating and air conditioning system.

It is because it is so well made that I rarely worry about it ever breaking down on me. However, sometimes there are exceptions and one day when I was going to relax I went to turn the air on, I opened the app on my phone to adjust the temperature since I have a smart thermostat but nothing happened. I figured the app was glitching and so I went over to the thermostat and attempted to change it manually but nothing happened. What was going on? Why was it not working? I knew I would need to call a heating and cooling guy to come out here and service the problem. The following morning I had a professional HVAC technician come out to my house and examine my heating and air conditioning unit. It was upon inspection that he realized that the HVAC unit had become severely clogged by stuff outside. When I looked at the outdoor heating and a/c unit I saw what he meant. It was full of sticks, leaves, and all sorts of debris! Once the heating and air conditioning professional removed the clog from my heating and cooling unit he instructed me to try and turn it on again. I did as asked and went inside and turned on the air conditioner with the thermostat. Success! It worked. Now I have a working heating and cooling system again.



standard hot water heater service

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