
Can’t forget the air filter

It’s so easy for me to forget things.

And it’s a combination of an insane schedule to keep and a bit of just being a bit of an air head.

My mother used to always be on me that my head was in the clouds. Yea, but at least I haven’t left a kid inside the air conditioning of day care yet. So far, I’m still getting the main, super duper important stuff done. But with all the hours I spend inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office, my kids and my family, things get forgotten no doubt. I’m attempting to up my game a bit so that stuff like the HVAC equipment are also up there in the super duper category. And the HVAC unit should be at that same level. The heating and cooling equipment are only providing us with essential comfort right? So making time and sticking to it when it comes to the quality heating and air of the house is now a priority. We belong to an HVAC service plan that makes my HVAC responsibilities much easier. As a benefit of the HVAC service plan, the HVAC unit gets proper HVAC maintenance from an HVAC professional twice a year. That saves me because I’m not the one who has to schedule seasonal HVAC maintenance. The HVAC company takes care of that and I simply confirm the date. However, I have now set alarms and alerts across all the screens I come in contact through the day. They let me know when it’s time to change the air filter and make sure the air ducts are all open. I do this once a month as well as keep an eye on the HVAC cabinet outside.

Cooling equipment

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