
That old oil Furnace Stinks So Badly When it Turns On

At our office building, we have to rely on an old oil furnace for our heating needs. The thing is, it seems like most of the time, management forgets to have the gas furnace filters updated. Typically when that oil furnace cranks on, it makes the air quality really bad in the office for a little while. The two of us have learned that it has something to do with dust and debris burning up and creating that nasty smell that goes through the work environment. We’re just blessed that in the summertime season the AC plan isn’t too bad. Typically, when I smell that gross burning smell coming from the oil furnace, I have to ask my boss if they had a heating and A/C appointment to have the oil furnace tuned up. He pretty much constantly tells me that he forgot and that’s when he calls up the heating and A/C supplier. I’m basically like his main reminder to get the necessary heating and A/C repair done. Whenever the air quality becomes seriously bad, I constantly remind him about cleaning those gas furnace filters. I’m glad that more recently he finally listened to some crucial advice that I offered him. I told him about heating and A/C repair plans and that the local heating and A/C supplier would cover all the heating and A/C repairs for a low yearly cost. I even told him they would remind him of their appointments, and he would never have issues again with the heating and A/C services needed in the building. He decided to enroll, and there have been no issues ever since! I just hope he eventually decides to invest in a better gas furnace for the upcoming winter season.



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