
It’s a good thing that she had air conditioning

Of course, that was fine with me because I wanted to go over to her place during the summer so that we could sit in the cool air conditioning instead of being outside in the heat all day

It’s a good thing that air conditioning is just about everywhere these days. I remember back when I was a kid and hardly anyone in my neighborhood had central air conditioning of any kind. Back then, only the rich people in town had access to air conditioning. I actually remember the first time that I went over to a friend’s house who had central air conditioning and I thought that it was the most amazing thing ever. Even though she wanted to go and play outside with our dolls on the swingset, I refused to leave her house because I was enjoying the cold air that was coming out of the air vents in her bedroom too much! She thought that I was really weird after that, but I explained to her that we didn’t have air conditioning like that at my house and then he kind of understood. She never did come over to play at my house, though. Of course, that was fine with me because I wanted to go over to her place during the summer so that we could sit in the cool air conditioning instead of being outside in the heat all day. It was just a good place for me to be during those hot summer days when I was a kid. She probably felt like I used her as a friend just so that I could get inside of her air conditioned house, and she would probably be right. She was nice enough, but I honestly probably wouldn’t have been her friend if she didn’t have A/C back then.

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