
I’m never leaving my home again

In the neighborhood I live in, my friend and I are currently in the middle of a bad snow storm, but it has been snowing for three days straight and no one has been able to leave their homes, then everyone I have talked to is going ridiculous because all the stores and roads in neighborhood are closed! Many people did not prepare correctly and aren’t having an simple time with the snow storm, but thankfully, my fiance constantly makes it a point to over prepare for storms.

My associate and I have enough batteries and nonperishable goods to last a lifetime.

However, in this case I can’t make fun of my fiance because his over preparedness legitimately came in handy this time, however he also made sure to call our local Heating & A/C supplier to make sure our boiler was working correctly before the snowstorm hit. Thankfully, the Heating & A/C supplier said everything was in perfect working condition and my friend and I didn’t have to worry about our boiler making it through the storm. My associate and I were one of the only houses on the block that had a working boiler while in the storm so my friend and I invited anyone that could get through the snow to come over and appreciate a night and toasty home. My associate and I only had a couple of friends stop by because the rest of our neighbors couldn’t get out of their houses. The snow was so high that they had to wait for it to melt before they would leave. I am so glad that didn’t happen to us! After this storm I never want to leave my nice and warm home again!


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