
Waft coffee into HVAC to wake up husband

It really doesn’t help when people try to force you into any activity or opinion.

I always think it’s incredibly silly when people get online and start spouting all of their own personal beliefs that other humans as if that’s going to change their minds in any way. If you ask me, it’s best to be subtle with the way that you approach every interaction if you ever want to achieve your intended outcome. I learned this the hard way after I got married and had to learn how to cooperate with another person in the same household. For many years I tried to be aggressive with other humans. When it came to my husband, I realized that I needed to be more gentle and manipulative. That’s why I’m always sure to make a fresh cup of coffee and turn on the HVAC system in the morning. You see, my husband is lazy so I have the first opportunity to touch the central heating and cooling system every day. He is never going to be up and touching the thermostat before I can adjust the indoor air quality. I want to get him up and out of bed, so my best bet is to make the indoor air quality extremely comfortable. Next, I go brew a hot pot of coffee to fill our indoor air with enticing scents. The central HVAC system picks up the smell of the hot joe and effectively delivers it through the ductwork to my husband. Before I know it, my husband starts getting up thanks to my gentle persuasion through HVAC system usage and pleasant indoor odors.


Dial thermostat

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